7 Types of Rest We All Need


Have you ever tried to fix an ongoing lack of energy by getting more sleep — only to do so and still feel exhausted?  If that’s you, here’s the secret: Sleep and rest are not the same thing, although many of us incorrectly confuse the two. We go through life thinking we’ve rested because we … Read more

Making positive changes for the year ahead


We are almost at the back end of this challenging year.  It has for many of us been overwhelming- sad- scary- lonely- financially and emotionally a struggle. So here we are…. how can we start 2021 fresh? If you are the kind of person who always makes resolutions for the New Year, but then finds it … Read more

How To Pick the Best Gym For YOU


Having a gym you like makes you more likely to show up. But how do you find such a gym? Here are seven tips.  Find a gym close to your home. Despite all your best intentions most people don’t regularly commute longer than 15 minutes to head to the gym. Especially during busy times such … Read more